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Git Info : git-info or gi

This option helps you with your git repositories. It will list them and tell you if they are up-to-date or not. The command do a local and a remote checks.

Some options are available and described in this page. But there are also global flags available.

Simple demo

Available options


Search depth: --depth or -d

By default, it searches no more then 3 levels of subdirectories, you can override this with the -d flag.

Simple demo

Interactive mode: --interactive-mode or -i

With interactive mode, you can easily: * Pick the folder you want to inspect * Display local changes of a picked folder after analyzing * Display remote commits of a picked folder after analyzing * (soon) Update one or several folders

heimdall git-info -i

Sample with interactive mode

            _               _       _ _
  /\  /\___(_)_ __ ___   __| | __ _| | |
 / /_/ / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` | | |
/ __  /  __/ | | | | | | (_| | (_| | | |
\/ /_/ \___|_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|_|_|

Version 0.0.4

🔍 Search in directory /Users/admin_local/work/gitlab/fun-with/fun-with-k8s [Y/n] :
Searching in '/Users/admin_local/work/gitlab/fun-with/fun-with-k8s' ...
⚠️ Error analyzing /Users/admin_local/work/gitlab/fun-with/fun-with-k8s/external-api, skip it...
Found 4 folder(s) (Skip 1 folders because of errors, use '-v' to check in details)
| PATH                                                                                     | BRANCH | LOCAL_CHANGES | REMOTE_CHANGES |
| /Users/admin_local/work/gitlab/fun-with/fun-with-k8s/external-dns                        |  main  |       🔴      |       🟢       |
| /Users/admin_local/work/gitlab/fun-with/fun-with-k8s/fun-with-fluxcd                     |  main  |       🟢      |       🟢       |
| /Users/admin_local/work/gitlab/fun-with/fun-with-k8s/fun-with-kyverno                    |  main  |       🔴      |       🟢       |
| /Users/admin_local/work/gitlab/fun-with/fun-with-k8s/fun-with-vault-and-external-secrets |  main  |       🟢      |       🟢       |
Interactive mode options:
[X] 📤 Display local changes of a repository
[ ] 🔃 Update one or several repositories (git pull)
[ ] ✅ I'm done
Pick one:
[X] /Users/admin_local/work/gitlab/fun-with/fun-with-k8s/external-dns
[ ] /Users/admin_local/work/gitlab/fun-with/fun-with-k8s/fun-with-kyverno
🚦 1 files
hashnode-demo.yaml - M
What to do next::
[X] 🔄 Check another folder
[ ]  I'm done
Interactive mode options:
[ ] 📤 Display local changes of a repository
[ ] 🔃 Update one or several repositories (git pull)
[X] ✅ I'm done